Houndwood, a Brief History


The estate was partially apple orchards, especially on the east of the estate as can be seen in 1885 and 1904 maps. In 1955 the Bullmead distribution warehouse was built to the north end of the site. This was joined by the Cowmead in 1957 to house raw materials, Woodgate was built in 1969 as another distribution warehouse. The Maple warehouse, followed in 1960, Maple manufactured shoe lasts. The shoe tree sculpture, originally part of the estate, used lasts from here to adorn it.
To understand more click here to see 50 years of Clarks Houndwood site 1955 to 2005


In 2002 plans were discussed and some controversy ensued as can be seen in this newspaper article to learn more Click Here

2003 saw Outline planning permission for warehouse and distribution centre was given Mendip Planning outline planning permission

Public consultation continued Whilst there was some support it also saw opposition to the planning permission as can be seen in this newspaper article for April 2003 However, permission was given in 2003 and again when any changes were agreed. Local people from the Parish Council, Street Society and various residents toured model developments to understand different sorts of housing estates. Concepts of how things could be were developed with the designers. 


In 2005 the Westway Distribution Warehouse was built, and the site business site closed. In May 2006 full planning permission was given for the housing development. Crest Nicholson started build the “Icon” part of the estate in 2008. In 2011 Crest Nicholson finished their part of estate and Barratts started building theirs completing it in 2018. As the site was called Houndwood by Clarks when their warehouses were there the estate went back to being called Houndwood although some still refer to it as Icon.
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Winner of The Landscape Institute Awards 2013 and The Housing Awards 2010

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Want to learn more History about Street? This can be found on the Parish Council Website

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